Author Archives: Chris Salzberg

Update on Cojiro platform development

Hi everyone,

Below is a quick update on our work on Cojiro over the past couple months. This being the first post since the award winners were announced, we’d like to say thank you to the community for selecting us! It’s so great to have your support, and so great that GV created these awards.

Apologies in advance: this post will be a bit technical since our main focus right now is on building the basic components of the application. I’ll try to keep the discussion as high-level as possible, but if you’re not interested in the technical stuff skip to #4 below.

For an overview of the project see our earlier post and proposal on the innovation blog, and the github page for the project. Continue reading

Platform for cross-lingual curation

Hi everyone,

Tomomi and I and our friend Taku Nakajima have been working on a project for the last year and a half called Cojiro, which we submitted to the innovation awards last week. The project is to build a web platform for what we call “cross-lingual curation”: curating content from one language to another. We’ve actually already built a prototype (see below) which we’re currently testing — if we get the grant then it will fund the next stage of the project, which will be entirely open (for more info see the github page we just setup). Continue reading